The components inside the case of a computer, especially integrated circuits or chips, generate heat as a byproduct. A buildup of heat can be devastating for integrated circuits, which usually have a long life expectancy. For this reason, a combination of fans and heat sinks are used to remove excess heat within a computer. Dedicated CPU fan overheating address
While a typical desktop computer case contains decor 8 a large fan to remove the heat that builds up inside the cabinet of various components, CPU fans are mounted directly on the central processing unit of the computer solely for the purpose of dissipating the heat on a single chip . This is because the CPU can become extremely heated in proportion to the amount of work he is doing. Heat Sinks
In the earlier days of computing, the central processing chip was cooled usually simply by mounting a heat sink on it. A heat sink is a block of metal (usually aluminum) with many fins to move heat from the CPU, similar decor 8 to the concept of a car radiator. As computer chip technology, and the CPU has become more powerful, fans were mounted on heat sinks to dissipate additional heat. Overclocking
A technique called "overclock" the CPU runs at a higher speed than normal. When used overclocking, CPU fan standard may not be sufficient to remove the heat. There are special high-performance CPU fans available for use in these situations. Thermal Control
There are different types of chip CPU and CPU fans are designed for use with specific chips. CPU fan specifications include a parameter called "socket type". The fan must match the type of the correct socket. The noise factor
Most computer fans are pretty quiet. However, CPU fans can be extremely noisy, even to the point of being a distraction decor 8 or making it difficult to listen to someone who has a bad connection on your phone. Some manufacturers make CPU fans that are advertised as being quieter than others.
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