Sunday, March 9, 2014

Top cin club Bad Milo! - Review of the movie Requiem for a dream - critical Louis de Funs: its 10 b

Featured This Week Coming Soon News CINEMA films by genre cine files / dvd The News Cine club Movies Cults Gold Fins records Directors DVD / blu-ray TV SERIES cucina
(S) supplment (s) not to miss: On each disc are a filmography of the filmmaker, photographs, film and internet cucina link. But the big bonus is a fourth DVD of over two hours. An initial interview with a Japanese critic can trace the childhood Mikio Naruse to emphasize its dark and dsabus character. Criticism evokes its good relations with the studios for which it ralisa cucina many commands without fuss and talk in detail prsents three movies in the box. Another cucina module call Jean Narboni, former editor-in-chief of Cahiers du cinema and author of Mikio Naruse - uncertain times. It speaks of the late discovery of the filmmaker in the West and tries to rhabiliter the work of an author of great modesty, but still considr cucina as a director by minor scene in us. Finally, Bernard Eisenchitz cucina returns on proccupations Naruse and particularly cucina his painting of Japan's postwar. To give a perspective diffrente works of the Japanese craftsman, we are invited to follow an exciting documentary about Masao Tamai who was the chief operator id attitr camraman and Naruse. It emphasizes the fundamental role of Tamai in the composition plans, but also in lighting for arriving a soft gristre picture. This module will delight fans of cinematic technique, the risk of losing a little nophytes. An interview with Corinne Atlan, translator of floating clouds, cucina makes us better connatre life and work of Fumiko Hayashi, romancire Mikio Naruse very taken by. Finally, a short interview with Teruo Ishii, who was assistant film director Naruse, Complte a program of great wealth. This beautiful editorial work will allow the viewer to penetrate deeper into the world of a filmmaker who still discover in the West.
Image & sound: The three films are in a satisfactory condition all thanks to an impeccable restoration. The highlight of the set is t Clouds with its beautiful color images, while the copy floating clouds is a little worse because of shallow black. cucina The set is all the same remarkable quality, considering the age and rarity movies Concerns. There remains a breath and grsillements on the soundtrack of Meals lightweight, but the other two films are in a very good condition. All are in original version prsents subtitle and mono.
Mikio Naruse The items lis clear (Inazumi) - Critical The tears of a woman - Critical Torment - Critical girl, wife and mother - A critical approach of autumn (Aki tachinu) - critical Actors street (Tabi yakusha) - critical My wife be like a rose (Tsuma yo bara no yo ni) - Critical The whole family works - critical The roar of the mountain cucina (yama no oto) - The critical Mre (Okasan) - critical
3D Stalingrad: Russian blockbuster to $ 50 million
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