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Since his election on March 13, 2013 Pope Francisco has not ceased to amaze believers and skeptics and, it must be said, also to shock conservatives inside and outside, by their gestures, actions, words and attitudes, ninja kitchen system that have changed, at least outwardly, the image of the pope and made it less hieratic, closest to the people and, ultimately, more believable. The Pope is human! Your first message ninja kitchen system from the balcony of the Vatican was not for blessing urbi et orbi that global absolute monarch invested with a sacred power, but to ask those gathered in St. Peter's Square to pray for him. Change is not irrelevant. His decision to give up living in the Vatican rooms and set up residence in Santa Marta is an example of sobriety, ninja kitchen system in addition to intelligence, which is a change in the lifestyle ninja kitchen system of the popes. Holy Thursday gave further evidence of "transgression" of rigid liturgical rubrics of his predecessors. Breaking with the tradition of celebrating that ephemeris in the Basilica ninja kitchen system of St. John Lateran, Francis chose to do it at a correctional facility where he washed the feet of twelve young people, including two women, one Muslim and the Italian Catholic Serb. The gesture scandalized conservatives stuck to rigid ceremonial Easter, who accused him of "liturgical confusion" and that "relativism puts us at home." Speeches made during his visit to Brazil during the World Youth Day (WYD) expressed continuity with the reforming spirit of the V Conference of Latin American Bishops held in the sanctuary of Aparecida in 2007, in which he played an important role when was archbishop of Buenos Aires. ninja kitchen system In a gesture ninja kitchen system of solidarity with the poor, visited the Varginha favela in northern Rio de Janeiro. There criticized the indifference to inequality, he said the reality and the human being can change and made a call to not lose hope. In full mobilization of the Indignados, far from extinguishing the fire of protest, took the side of the young, whom he said: "I hope mess, mess there that the Church take to the streets. To defend ourselves from the comfort of clericalism to defend ourselves. " A message transmitted at the antipodes of Benedict XVI at World Youth Day held in August 2012 in Madrid, where young recommendations preferentially oriented towards prayer, frequent confession, cultic practices and devotion I think the trip to Brazil would have been an excellent opportunity to have an encounter with the Christian base communities, many in this country, and the theologians of liberation, some of them silenced and punished by previous popes, or at least have had a word or a gesture of closeness and rehabilitation. It would have been an important step in changing attitudes towards the Pope punished as Latin American liberation theology. Admittedly, however, ninja kitchen system that in recent months there have been important steps approach the Vatican to this theology, ninja kitchen system at least in the person of the Peruvian Gustavo Gutierrez, ninja kitchen system considered the father of this theological trend, which understands theology as critical reflection on historical praxis in the light of faith and considers the option for the poor as a theological truth and radical evangelical attitude and work by releasing excluded the fundamental praxis of Christianity. There have been several overtures. Pope Gustavo Gutiérrez has received in private audience. L'Osservatore ninja kitchen system Romano published an article of his book on the subject of joint authorship ninja kitchen system of the Peruvian theologian and the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard ninja kitchen system Müller ninja kitchen system today. The Peruvian theologian recently appeared ninja kitchen system as a keynote speaker at the launch of the book along with the Müller himself, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez of Honduras Maradiaga and Vatican spokesman Lombardi. At least the thaw has begun and has been anathema to dialogue, mute listening, isolation visibility. Unthinkable during the pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who lambasted ninja kitchen system the liberation theology and punished some of its major growers. ninja kitchen system However, in my opinion missing an important step to give: the removal of sanctions against the theologians of the various current crisp and creative theological trends: the release, religions, feminist, all in continuity with the Vatican Council II. It is a step that did not have
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