Thursday, January 22, 2015

PHOTOGRAPHY: P365 fresh look

The Provincial Council of SC bid for home composting, as a means to reduce the amount of municipal solid waste to treat and as an element of recycling organic matter in rural SC. Composting is a process by which organic matter is converted into fertilizer (compost).
The process of composting is based on the decomposition of vegetable waste from our kitchen and our garden. Thus, the Cultural Center of the Provincial hosted a meeting of technical representatives of the municipalities, who were explained the procedure and process to follow. The County Council will provide compost to municipalities, which can be distributed among its neighbors. The compost will be accompanied by an explanatory guide for conducting composting. The compost household serves as natural fertilizer, helps reduce modern bathroom design water consumption and improve the performance of their plants, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This makes the way to cultivate our products fri love environmentally ambiente. Qué can be composted? Basically, the remains of fruits and vegetables, egg shells, yogurts modern bathroom design and fruit juices, kitchen paper, shredded prunings, grass, ash and wood sawdust, etc. organic remains a household constitute between 40 and 50 percent urban waste. Its collection and processing in landfills is tremendously expensive, requiring significant investments in infrastructure.
Composting is a process easy to do and at economic cost minimal compared to other systems of waste treatment, reducing the costs of collection modern bathroom design and transportation of waste. Overall, 100 pounds of organic waste produce 25-30 kilos of compost. An average family produces daily a pound of waste orgánicos.Este program is developed by the water service and the Provincial Environment, in collaboration with the company "Todoverde".
PHOTOGRAPHY: P365 fresh look
To learn more, please Click Image And looks like you either to the proposed signature. THANK YOU.
It is not the first time that the projection, neither will it be the last. NEED A GUARD auditorium with seating ENOUGH - comparable she had the missing modern bathroom design THEATRE modern bathroom design FILM "Avenue" for events such as concerts by TINO BAZ NOT deprive many people ITS DISFROITE. For your interest, we suggest reading the opinions of ANSELMO MARTINEZ PENALTY THAT FEW MINUTES AFTER THE PERFORMANCE OF THE SONGWRITER award, made public his opinion, we share in full. To access your content, click the image.
Dish, porcelain and jewelry SARGADELOS can be purchased in the village of Guardia
The Sargadelos modern bathroom design creations we can ademirar in the village modern bathroom design of La Guardia, in Jewellery - Watchmaking Alonso. There, on the street José Mª Andreini, No. 1, near the Parish Church in the center of the village is Jewellers - Watchmaking Alonso where Sargadelos, one of the signatures of design and creation of porcelain singular in Europe, with more than two centuries history, is displayed majestically, presenting a diversity of designs borrowed and formas.Vaixelas sets, coffee, tea, liquor, jewelry modern bathroom design and figurines of porcelain, combined with gold and silver, ..., are a good example of the variety Sargadelos presents the village doorkeeper. Click on the image to look at the photo gallery.
And one of the archaeological treasures of Monte Santa Tegra. This is a gem jewelery modern bathroom design of extraordinary modern bathroom design beauty that caretakers and visitors can look in the Archaeological Museum "in situ" Monte de Santa Tegra. Crar is that the museum is not open to the public all year round, which surprises an enclave of these features have a Cultural Interest - Archaeological Museum of Monte Santa Tegra, has this kind of protection modern bathroom design - not is always open. Until when is there to wait for correct that situation "inherited" from previous municipal governments? Until when is there to wait for the Municipal Board "Monte Santa Tegra" agreed to facilitate access gratuitous school groups accompanied by their teachers to approach this unique enclave Galician-Roman?
The over many years, the bowl himself being the vessel more embremática of custody is probably one of the vessels of more primitive origin Nowadays we can still look in Galicia. In the village doorkeeper still is - for now - a major census of such vessels, which-through the ages has been the subject of various embodiments modern bathroom design techniques that contribute to greater operability fishing. First were the candles, much later would be the outboard engines, after the haulers, hydraulic, ... All this, and more, was accepted by the doorkeeper homilde trough. No one better than the failed writer, ethnographer and journalist Eliseo Alonso Rodriguez, could appreciate the many

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