Tom Yum noodle which is Thailand's khsa menu you can try at kitchen shops Yam Yum a new shop that is quite unique. Tavern called Yam Yum Kitchen offers two types of menu mainstays waterfront kitchen of the all unique. Ambon is located in J alan No. 19 Bandung, mini shop is ready to pamper residents and surrounding Bandung.
Although only a mini-sized shop, but the atmosphere is pretty cool because the building itself was half open. One piece table and wood chairs are large, will be a unique spot to gather with friends.
Serving the mainstay of this shop one Tom Yum Noodle. waterfront kitchen In the hands of its creator, Marlissa Anggina, Tom Yum Noodle he Collaborate from the typical Thai menu (Tom Yum) and some kind of Indonesian specialties. He himself said, the initial idea when he made this menu because he wanted to bring something unique type of cuisine and a bit different.
"So, waterfront kitchen in Indonesia there many people like noodles. Most in demand right and Mie Baso brothers who sell on the roadside. Visitors so we wanted when we eat noodles, they like eating noodles (Mie Baso --- ed). just a different waterfront kitchen sauce flavors.'s why we adopted a Tom Yum Noodle Baso. Essentially, we pengin lift Indonesian special menus that already exist, and we make something a little different from the menu ever. Yeah it is, why we use gravy Tom Yum noodle menu in store for us, "he told detikbandung.
"He's been able to experience a lot of the cooking inside or outside the country. So with his experience, we use a recipe that is authentically Thai. But we use only the Tom Yum soup, others we use Indonesian specialties. Vision Our own actually was to Indonesian-kan Tom Yum, "he said.
Yam Yum kitchen itself offers four variants using the menu Tom Yum noodles, namely Simple Tom Yum, Tom Yum Meatballs, Wonton Tom Yum and Tom Yum Shrimp. Tom Yum soup noodles with tasty thick very enjoyable when coupled with various appendages, such as vegetables and tempeh Kriuk sprinkles. Thailand emerged taste of the broth, while the taste of Indonesia was of tempe Kriuk, noodles, meatballs, dumplings, and so on.
Marlissa reason Tom Yum carries its own menu, because there is currently no Tom Yum is sold in stores. So he wanted to be first. During the Tom Yum synonymous waterfront kitchen with expensive price, but Yam Yum Kitchen dare to offer a fairly cheap price, which ranges between Rp 10,000 - Rp 18,000 per portion. This is in accordance with their stretcher jargon, 'price shop, restaurant quality'.
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