Wednesday, December 3, 2014

WEB.DE Magazine Entertainment Stars kitchens pop star Jamie Oliver: I

With its smart nature and passion for cooking, the Briton who created an empire. Nevertheless, claims the - now no longer unchallenged - Popstar pantry storage of the cooking world: "I am not a good businessman, on the contrary But I employ people who are familiar with it.". On October 31, his new cookbook "Jamie's Kitchen wellness" appears on German.
Oliver's headquarters in London's trendy Shoreditch is decorated with wooden furniture and soft leather sofas. On the walls of modern art hangs in the corner is a large kitchen. Were it not for the staff, it would look like in a Jamie Oliver restaurant. The chef himself sitting in jeans and t-shirt at a book table. He wants to talk about his book, his 16th now. "Eat to feel good is something very emotional pantry storage and subjective," he says.
So he asked his fans via Instagram, what her favorite comfort dish was - and get in a day than 10 000 responses. "The recipes with the most votes from around pantry storage the world came to the book" - slightly changed, says Oliver. "Some I knew previously not at all." From the covers of cookbooks that are next to him, the viewer hue to his smile.
With the "Jamie Oliver" brand the golden boy of the cooking world, millions amassed since he was accidentally discovered in a BBC documentary in 1997. In the film about the Nobel restaurant where he was working, he just showed up because he was standing in for a sick colleague. pantry storage "I pantry storage was not really into television. But as the documentation came out, I was suddenly seen in all scenes in the background." Oliver was shot to fame at age 23. "Suddenly, I found myself at an autograph session again, surrounded by 2,000 people screaming girls," he says today. "The police pantry storage had to be called because the people had almost crushed."
Because he was very rich very quickly that he had to learn a lot. His first major project, the restaurant Fifteen, where he taught socially disadvantaged young people cooking, have almost driven him into bankruptcy. "I was naive, precocious and had a lot of money. These three things together are very dangerous." Today, Oliver has several restaurants, including in Germany, it will soon be one. His television programs run in more than 100 countries. In addition, the 39-year-old healthy school pantry storage lunches uses. "I do not think that profit obsession may be in the long run. It is much more important to me, heart, soul and maintain culture," says the chef. On the list published in May of the richest Britons are he and his wife with 240 million pounds fortune on place. 396
However, Oliver became lately more than once in the review: So was forced to close temporarily due to drastic lack of hygiene operated by a Nobel Butcher in London. Into trouble, he sat down with statements on poverty and food. Oliver had questioned the idea that poverty in Western societies to lead that people no longer ate healthy. The people lived on chips, but at the same time bought huge television screens. The organization Child Poverty Action pantry storage Group disagreed with him violently.
And there is also competition or just for celebrity chefs: Just makes London a new celebrity chef headlines. The Israeli Yotam Ottolenghi was proclaimed by some media even as a "successor of Jamie Oliver". Oliver lives with his wife and four children - they are called Poppy Honey Rosie, Daisy Boo Pamela, Petal Blossom Rainbow and Buddy Bear Maurice - in London. He grew up in neighboring Essex. In the pub his parents, he learned to cook. "My childhood in the Pub has made me what I am. As a little boy I like to set myself apart from the customers and to talk to them." Even today speaks Jamie Oliver pantry storage still like - about his family, other cultures and especially about food. His casual style riders love it just as much as his cooking skills. The Briton maintains the understatement: "Well, I think I can cook very well." dpa
WEB.DE Magazine Entertainment Stars kitchens pop star Jamie Oliver: I'm not a good businessman

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