Earthquake Tremor in Haitian - toy killer | overall impact Blog
With the permission of the Lord Jesus, come back to talk about acts terrorists sponsored by the call: New World Order. The Contributors to this alarming attempt at hand would be: The President Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) and the Fleet Russian North. Both accuse ferguson showroom the US. . Of global terrorism and indicate that the Earthquake That Devastated Haiti was clearly the result of a test of the US Navy US. . By one of its weapons of earthquakes and that drew a diagram of linear succession for reported that the earthquakes have Occurred by chance the same depth in Venezuela and Honduras.
The Northern Fleet had been monitoring the movements and US. . Naval activities in the Caribbean since 2008 - when Americans announced their Intention ferguson showroom to Reestablish the Fourth Fleet, which was disbanded in 1950 - and that Russia Expanded a year later, with the fleet led by the Nuclear Powered cruiser Petr the willing "starting their First year in the region ferguson showroom since the end of the Cold War. Since the late 70s of last century, the US. . "Advanced" the state of its weapons of earthquakes and, according to the reports, now use devices employ a technology ferguson showroom of pals, Plasma and Sonic Electromagnetic ferguson showroom Tesla with "changes Wives shock. The report also compares the experiences of the two weapons of earthquakes in the US Navy last week when the test in the Pacific caused an Earthquake of magnitude 6.5 hitting the area around the town of Eureka, in California, causing no Casualties. But the test in the Caribbean caused the death of at least 140 thousand ferguson showroom innocent. According the report, is "more than likely" that the US Navy at "full can" of the catastrophic damage the test Earthquake could potentially in Haiti and at pre-positioned managing your Commander Southern Command, General PK keen on the Island to oversee The work of assistance was Needed. The end result of testing the weapons, the report warns that there is a US. . Plan of destruction of Iran through ferguson showroom a series of earthquakes designed to overthrow his current Islamic regime.
The last upload transmission of energy in remote Alaska that the towers of power transmission towers are not typical, because they are designed to generate energy in such a way that it Radiates in the Ionosphere in a huge amount. The design of thirty ferguson showroom million dollars from the Pentagon, called haarp (High Frequency Active auroral Research) is made to project more than 1.7 GW (gigavatts) of radiated energy in the Ionosphere - the layer Electrically Charged which is above the Earth's atmosphere. The unit is a reversal of a radio telescope - just transmitting ferguson showroom instead of receiving. It will 'boil the Upper atmosphere'. After warming themselves and interfere with the Ionosphere, the Radiation will bounce back to the ground, forming long waves which penetrate ferguson showroom our buddies, soil and oceans. "The technique provides the ability to put unprecedented amounts of energy in the atmosphere of Earth, in strategic locations and maintain the level of Inge çã o.kvando the energy back to the transmitters is possible that the energy can be invaluable caused responsible objectively as drive a machine! The objective of this unit of millions of dollars, is manipulate the Ionosphere on a scale far greater than Soviet Union could do with its facilities alike. Haarp would be the largest Ionospheric ferguson showroom Heater in the world, located at a latitude most conducive ferguson showroom to putting eastlund's invention into practice. Moreover, from the northern latitude, the energy could be aimed into the Ionosphere to be Reflected back to earth just where Scientists want it to drop. The secret is to learn how and where to aim it to hit the ground where they want it falls, creating the kind of disaster or state of climate they wish. Article n 1118, "UN Treaty proves weather control is real, "was Quoted an article published by the press that government of malaysia hired a Russian company Climate Change to create a hurricane that was directed close to clean air pollution Malaysian cities without actually coming to the ground and devastation. The Russian company delivered solution and Malaysia by clear skies.
(1) Establish when and where earthquakes are Desired in land (2) manipulate global weather systems, changing weather patterns, the incidence of rain or dried, (3) Make the ground outside of its normal cycle of rotation, (4) redirect the air currents in atmosphere, (5) redirect
With the permission of the Lord Jesus, come back to talk about acts terrorists sponsored by the call: New World Order. The Contributors to this alarming attempt at hand would be: The President Hugo Chavez (Venezuela) and the Fleet Russian North. Both accuse ferguson showroom the US. . Of global terrorism and indicate that the Earthquake That Devastated Haiti was clearly the result of a test of the US Navy US. . By one of its weapons of earthquakes and that drew a diagram of linear succession for reported that the earthquakes have Occurred by chance the same depth in Venezuela and Honduras.
The Northern Fleet had been monitoring the movements and US. . Naval activities in the Caribbean since 2008 - when Americans announced their Intention ferguson showroom to Reestablish the Fourth Fleet, which was disbanded in 1950 - and that Russia Expanded a year later, with the fleet led by the Nuclear Powered cruiser Petr the willing "starting their First year in the region ferguson showroom since the end of the Cold War. Since the late 70s of last century, the US. . "Advanced" the state of its weapons of earthquakes and, according to the reports, now use devices employ a technology ferguson showroom of pals, Plasma and Sonic Electromagnetic ferguson showroom Tesla with "changes Wives shock. The report also compares the experiences of the two weapons of earthquakes in the US Navy last week when the test in the Pacific caused an Earthquake of magnitude 6.5 hitting the area around the town of Eureka, in California, causing no Casualties. But the test in the Caribbean caused the death of at least 140 thousand ferguson showroom innocent. According the report, is "more than likely" that the US Navy at "full can" of the catastrophic damage the test Earthquake could potentially in Haiti and at pre-positioned managing your Commander Southern Command, General PK keen on the Island to oversee The work of assistance was Needed. The end result of testing the weapons, the report warns that there is a US. . Plan of destruction of Iran through ferguson showroom a series of earthquakes designed to overthrow his current Islamic regime.
The last upload transmission of energy in remote Alaska that the towers of power transmission towers are not typical, because they are designed to generate energy in such a way that it Radiates in the Ionosphere in a huge amount. The design of thirty ferguson showroom million dollars from the Pentagon, called haarp (High Frequency Active auroral Research) is made to project more than 1.7 GW (gigavatts) of radiated energy in the Ionosphere - the layer Electrically Charged which is above the Earth's atmosphere. The unit is a reversal of a radio telescope - just transmitting ferguson showroom instead of receiving. It will 'boil the Upper atmosphere'. After warming themselves and interfere with the Ionosphere, the Radiation will bounce back to the ground, forming long waves which penetrate ferguson showroom our buddies, soil and oceans. "The technique provides the ability to put unprecedented amounts of energy in the atmosphere of Earth, in strategic locations and maintain the level of Inge çã o.kvando the energy back to the transmitters is possible that the energy can be invaluable caused responsible objectively as drive a machine! The objective of this unit of millions of dollars, is manipulate the Ionosphere on a scale far greater than Soviet Union could do with its facilities alike. Haarp would be the largest Ionospheric ferguson showroom Heater in the world, located at a latitude most conducive ferguson showroom to putting eastlund's invention into practice. Moreover, from the northern latitude, the energy could be aimed into the Ionosphere to be Reflected back to earth just where Scientists want it to drop. The secret is to learn how and where to aim it to hit the ground where they want it falls, creating the kind of disaster or state of climate they wish. Article n 1118, "UN Treaty proves weather control is real, "was Quoted an article published by the press that government of malaysia hired a Russian company Climate Change to create a hurricane that was directed close to clean air pollution Malaysian cities without actually coming to the ground and devastation. The Russian company delivered solution and Malaysia by clear skies.
(1) Establish when and where earthquakes are Desired in land (2) manipulate global weather systems, changing weather patterns, the incidence of rain or dried, (3) Make the ground outside of its normal cycle of rotation, (4) redirect the air currents in atmosphere, (5) redirect