At approximately 2000 years ago, there were parents who had advanced civilizations in the Americas, namely Mesoamerican civilization which includes Olmec civilization, Maya, Teotihuacan and Toltec. By the experts is called tamale kitchen Mesoamerican civilization because it is located in the middle of the American continent and the Yucatan plateau; Aztec civilization in the highlands of Mexico and the Inca civilization in South America. The results of their civilization can be equated with the Indus valley civilization, the Yellow River, tamale kitchen the Nile and peradaan Mesopotamia, the Euphrates and Tigris.
Based on archaeological finds signs - the first sign of the Olmec around 1400 BC in the city of San Lorenzo (now Central America), the major Olmec settlement supported by two other centers, Tenochtitlan and Potrero Nuevo.
Olmec civilization relies heavily on trade, both between different Olmec region and with other Mesoamerican societies. tamale kitchen Population live in groups in the building - the wake of a large rock. They are led by an elite group is down - for generations. This nation has known form of writing. tamale kitchen It is estimated that this civilization was destroyed in the attack nations who come from the north.
Olmec head shaped building construction - a giant head, did practice human sacrifice, invented the concept of zero and provides the foundation for all later Mesoamerican cultures that followed. Olmec civilization could be the first civilization in the Western Hemisphere who developed writing system, tamale kitchen and the possibility of finding the compass and the Mesoamerican calendar.
Around 400 BC east half of the Olmec began uninhabited region - perhaps because of changes in the environment. They may also fled after the volcanic activity in the area. Another popular theory is that they are being attacked, but no one knows who the invaders that may invade the Olmec. Collapse due to environmental changes triggered by volcanic eruptions, earthquakes or destructive agricultural practices.
Based on archaeological findings, this nation came from the north and then settle and develop their civilization in the Yucatan Peninsula, Central America. Their civilization centered on agrarian life. Early founded tamale kitchen during the Pre - Classic (2000 BC to 250 AD). According to the Mesoamerican chronology, many cities - cities Maya reached their highest state of development during the Classic period (250 AD - 900 AD).
The Maya is located in southern Mexico and Central America. Kingdom tamale kitchen of the Maya region covers the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico), Honduras, and Guatemala. Centers of civilization in the Yucatan Peninsula. Bordered by the Pacific Ocean on the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the east.
Their civilization centered in the agrarian life of the Maya main livelihood is farming. tamale kitchen Farming men and women in charge of cooking their crops. The Maya have mengenalsis temirigasi and terracing. They build a garden rice Chinam island - an artificial island in the lake or the lush - a shallow lake in the valley of Mexico. Plant is principally corn. In addition, fishing (fishing along the coast) raising animals, such as turkeys and dogs, spinning cotton for textiles, trade.
The Mayans had developed a writing system that is similar hieroglyp which has 850 karakrter. This nation has known the calendar with 18 months of the year totaled each month is 20 days, and one month, amounting to 5 days so that the number of days per year is 365 days. Moreover, astronomy is also one of the science that they develop.
The Mayans worship many gods / polytheism (Dewalaut, tamale kitchen god of the sun, DewaHujan, the god of Spring). Know the worship ceremony at the expense of human lives. They believe the sun should eat the heart and blood human being to determine the viability of the world.
Teotihuacan civilization supported by approximately 200,000 people live in the valleys tamale kitchen of central Mexico. They developed trade civilization centered in Teoticuacan. tamale kitchen The city also serves as a religious center that invites pilgrims from Central America. In the city center was built pyramids moon and sun. Sun pyramid made of red brick and lined with stone has a length of 700 feet and a height of 200 feet. Piamida month also dibanggun with almost the same construction but with a smaller size. On a smaller temple, tamale kitchen residents tamale kitchen and newcomers to worship the god of rain and snake gods, which they called Quetzalcoatl. The staple food is maize population.
Teotihuacan civilization fell in 700 AD as a result of the invasion of the barbarians. In two hundred years later there is competition between the various ethnic groups that entered Kawas
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