Hello, we want to briefly write about essential oils and touch the quality of their pop-up question. According to dr. K. Schnaubelto, aromatherapy prevalent in the world like the wonderful smells filled urban kitchen frankfurt with plants. The main material used by the aromatherapist - essential oils. Tikslamas used in the treatment of essential oil quality is the most important thing! Initially used in aromatherapy perfumes and flavorings produced oil industry. Currently, essential oils in the perfume industry as well as the quality is not so important, but it is clear that in order to produce good perfume must have good essential oils. Unfortunately, not difficult to synthesize essential oils and other produce artificial oil. These oils can meet some of the requirements for perfume, but for therapeutic or other health-related purposes only natural fit, in no way prepared and unprocessed material.
In the selection of essential oils for therapeutic purposes, it is worth highlighting: Buy from reliable suppliers of oil (supplier directly import or buy from reputable brokers who can provide all the necessary guarantees). There is also another way, the supplier or importer (to) have a lot of each oil sample tests, conducted in laboratories. These tests help to identify all the impurities present in the essential oils. Several houses Bioeco essential oils suppliers labaratorinių sample tests (exploration birch essential oils (bot. Betula board / Betula alba)). urban kitchen frankfurt We can see the essential oils assigning / reputation (Eng. Odor) - Medical (Eng. Medicinal). Conclusion - the essential oil can be used for therapeutic purposes.
When buying oil on the package you have to find Latin plant from which the oil was distilled name. It is essential urban kitchen frankfurt to be sure that the oil you use is actually derived from the plant, whose healing properties you expect. When buying oil, you should be able to find a country or region from which the oil is derived. Also a part of the plant derived oil (if necessary) (e. Juniper oil can be extracted from the fruit, and lower quality of oil can be obtained from this plant buds) and the extraction method. The best quality oils will cost more than those listed urban kitchen frankfurt will not have these guarantees.
It's hard to predict what might be defective (unnatural) effect of essential oils, especially urban kitchen frankfurt if they are used for inhalation, massages, urban kitchen frankfurt baths. Always fit to remember that natural essential oils are active in the pharmacological substance, therefore urban kitchen frankfurt not advisable to use them randomly. About the store purchased the true essential oil chemical composition and origin, unfortunately, we will not know, so for themselves urban kitchen frankfurt or loved ones causing dermatitis, allergies or any other ailment should not blame translate aromatherapy.
Clinical studies confirm that the majority of high-quality natural essential oils do not cause allergies and dermatitis, if used properly diluted, ie instillation of no more than 2-5 drops in the bath or not more than 3% of the basic massage oil mixture. The exception would be severely affecting several specific essential oils, the use of which should be supervised by a qualified aromatherapist or AROMATOLOGIE. Distinguish worth of citrus essential oils, which weakens the skin's natural ultraviolet filter, urban kitchen frankfurt so after a massage or a mask with citrus essential oils is not advisable to be in the sun for at least a few hours, or cinnamon essential oil, which can severely irritate the skin using noncompliant proportions, etc.
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