Friday, February 7, 2014

Apart from the fact that the author of this letter, not even able to play the song of the drowned b

Alban Nikolai Autumn / Alexander von Ribbentrop Meere. Roman, Letzte unfinished cabinet doors Fassung. Gesamtabdruck bei Volltext, Wien 2007. Laundry day. I do not quite know how this total can still create order before departure to Frankfurt Main. But first, swam from six and a half hours. Then the balanced crammed with the dirty laundry bag and off to the launderette. And now today's PP before unfinished cabinet doors I myself, a daily average, lie down for an hour and then YEARS on the Naples radio play: from 16 to 19.30 admission date in Studio 3 of Germany Berlin radios. The evening unfinished cabinet doors will have to be spent with the cutting, ie brushing, the shots. Yesterday I wrote a former lover, our Liaison is nearly twenty unfinished cabinet doors years back, on Facebook a letter, which I personally do not want to answer. But, anonymously of course, here. Because it is the document of a rampant especially in Germany smallness and petty bourgeoisie, which is not only unnerving, but actually dangerous to human dangerous and existentially dangerous, even if the letter should be "meant well but": besides which it contains in fact a pretty story: the liberation of an apparently incriminating novel by his drowning, or Ertrinkenlassen followed by feeling the collection: I can still remember the summer when the Wolperdinger appeared, I met you and you gift me a copy test. Throughout the summer I wore the heavy book around with me ... in bed, on the lawn, in the subway and to the swimming pool ... I have not only carried around - I've also read it! quarters of them. And then I have, quite deliberately, unfinished cabinet doors set close to the web and the thick book is me ... whoops unfinished cabinet doors - fell into the water when turning. I had a guilty conscience and ... I was relieved. I read among other things, unfinished cabinet doors a bit in the seas and wants to explain what makes me to read your books so hard. For your personal everyday stories I like to read and fun. They're funny, free and unpretentious. That's the problem I have with your books and with you. Your vanity. The reader should see what you can and know he will feel what you want to make him feel ... and he shall know kindly, how brilliant and you're all different. You want to impress (and then wondering about the fact that one does not love you ...). You want me to force you and your thoughts unfinished cabinet doors to follow - rather than feel myself think, know and can understand. You want to dominate, even in your art. Zola describes a market stall, the vegetables, the fruits, the colors, the weather and .... and lets me are able to recognize themselves as the market woman feels - makes me feel empathy for them. Without me to force them. He trusts his storytelling and he trusts the reader. You do not trust the reader. This is exhausting! ... Leaves no air and no room. I know that it is the vanity and the Compulsive, what repels Some of you - not your sexuality, your themes or ... or ... I'll believe it when you discard your vanity and the desire to dominate (even you and your body), your art will be really as good as they can.
Apart from the fact that the author of this letter, not even able to play the song of the drowned book right here an attitude is clearly that would be completely unimaginable compared to a poet in France, Italy, Spain, where in others and in yourself vanity very well enjoy to know because they are viewed as an erotic game. Only the Germans (and Japanese, by the way) expect from the other, that he gives himself unfinished cabinet doors gray, especially authors. unfinished cabinet doors When painters one is generous, with composers remaining

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