I continue to share their experiences of the expedition to the cities of Europe, which I did in late May and early June. While in Rotterdam, went about KCAP invitation to them to the office to, among other things, to communicate with Kees Christiaanse - architect and urbanist, head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Design at the Institute of Urban Design (Institute for Urban Design) at the ETH Zurich Zurich ( ETH Zurich). medicine cabinet In the past Christiaanse taught architecture and urban planning at the Technical University of Berlin, was in charge of the international architectural medicine cabinet Biennale in Rotterdam, he was founder and partner of KCAP Architects & Planners, to develop a strategic master plan of the city of Perm.
- There are few important things. First, we finally formed medicine cabinet a strategic master plan, and it became the basis for the master plan of the city - in Russian is the official town planning document. medicine cabinet Master plan was written under the direction of Andrei Golovin, Director of the UIA "Bureau of urban projects." I believe that the spirit of the master plan and saved quite adequately transferred to the general plan. After the approval of the master plan highlighted a number of priority projects, such as the Perm Opera and Ballet, the embankment of the river Kama, the development of the railway station, university campus and so on. In addition, planned a special training workshops for local planners on how to apply the master plan and oversee its implementation.
Over the last year I have worked on projects in these areas - for example, a member of the jury for the reconstruction of the theater of opera and ballet. We were engaged and the waterfront, that is, after the development of the master plan process has begun serial development of pilot projects. The training program for local planners because of administrative difficulties and lack of resources have not been implemented. This triggered the problem: the master plan and the master plan approved, but the process of implementation within the Department of Urban Development inert - not because people do not want to, but because it is very difficult to start a new process within a large organization.
Another complication is that the administration of Perm changing: Now come the new governor, the new mayor, and of course, as in any region where the government is replaced, the ratio of urban planning is changing too. Therefore, we are not sure what will happen after the inauguration of the new governor. Oleg Chirkunov (Former Governor of the Perm Territory) was the driving force and largely supported the master plan. What will happen under the new leadership, is still unknown. Also, I believe there is a problem with the consistent implementation of priority medicine cabinet projects. On the other hand, there is a lot of interesting events - festivals, exhibitions and conferences (like the Congress ISOCARP Perm) - These events are tracked by our staff, so we are aware of the latest changes in Perm. Finally, we have two projects at the design stage. This is a regional office of the company "Lukoil" and the residential area "Block 179" medicine cabinet on the territory medicine cabinet of the former psychiatric hospital. Our future activities in Perm will directly affect the economic or political situation, but at the moment we are more or less active. And the master plan and the master plan are already a good guide for the development of the city.
-The hardest thing was to convey the idea of a master plan to the government - city council and committees in charge of urban planning. Of course, this method of developing a plan is little known in Russia, and people who plan to Perm, lack of experience with foreign techniques. It is difficult to explain how a master plan. One of the biggest challenges that the master plan - not a fixed set of rules and laws. It's kind of a political agreement between the various stakeholders - the agreement that is being discussed. Many do not understand because they are used, the card is the essence of the ultimate truth, the fixed law of the document, according to which we must build. medicine cabinet But this vision does not meet the spirit of the master plan. The master plan - rather, it is a set of principles. Of course, around the plan have been endless discussions exhausting, medicine cabinet sometimes lasting from 9 am to 9 pm.
In addition, members of the local market are accustomed to a certain permissiveness. If the land was owned by the project investors and developers, and they needed a shopping center, this center just took and built - without building permits and things like that (in Perm, there were gaps in the law that allows to build this way.) The master medicine cabinet plan, in turn, attempts to recreate medicine cabinet the culture of negotiation that good for the city, and that - not much, so it necessary to have another shopping center next to the already existing
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