Home Blogs Blog efacade Some details of the plan missile omega cabinets strikes on Syria
NBC television reported today that according to information from reliable government sources missile strikes on Syria may start as early as next Thursday. omega cabinets The military operation will last three days and will be limited in scope. Its main task - to "send a message" to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the main objectives will be the staff bunkers, airfields and artillery pieces.
On Monday, Obama discussed the current moment with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and French President Francois Hollande, and Secretary of State John Kerry - United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and the political leaders of Britain, omega cabinets France, Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar.
British Prime Minister David Cameron recalled from vacation MPs to vote on the question of the alleged actions against Syria, as the head of the Pentagon's Chuck Heygel, answering questions the BBC, reported that the U.S. military is ready to perform any task that will put the White House.
CCA General Salim Idris said today that the allied air strikes are necessary to prevent the re-Assad to use chemical weapons. "If it is not followed by any action [allies], omega cabinets we fear that in the coming days, Bashar use chemical weapons on a very large area, and victims may be tens of thousands of people."
Some U.S. allies, particularly the United Kingdom, have made it clear that the fleeting limited military action against Syria may be made without the approval of the UN Security Council. In response, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned that "the use of force without omega cabinets Security Council authorization is a flagrant violation of international law." According to China's Xinhua News Agency, China also considers such actions dangerous and irresponsible.
ie UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, in the course of military operations, without addressing the Security Council of the UN! And the purpose to attack not chosen at random: without air and artillery CAA will not be able to conduct reconnaissance and lay clusters of terrorists, but without officers and communication facilities organization of the army becomes the same as that of the SSA. That is to say, the technical level of the parties called.
Putin gave Syria already, when he decided to meet with the chief Saudi Democrat, omega cabinets came to Moscow with a proposal to buy weapons on the green with 15 billion exchange for the surrender of Syria. The very fact of the meeting with the enemy on the agenda of such a meeting (approved in advance by the protocol) has already been a political betrayal. In this case, the non-verbal gestures and glowing with happiness smile GDP during the handshake with the Saudis, where more eloquent than the propaganda of moral principles "of omega cabinets the wise ruler" Russia, ostensibly repudiating immoral proposal insidious Arabians. I remember the words of the song teleputiya A.Harchikova about the GDP, "In enemy" is "the mountain and walk-behind for the, for the Kremlin wall though magnificent, but quiet ... teleputy expensive, omega cabinets but when will we learn that the regiment shod teleputii live "
And in fact the Obama regime to lift its ratings supplied al-Qaeda chemical weapons, which is directed by the CIA was used to provoke aggression against the legitimate omega cabinets government of Syria. In this connection, I remember, as set fire to the Reichstag under Hitler and then went all over Europe ... In politics, nothing changes ....
I recommend to read: http://poznavatelnoe.tv/geopolitika_xx_veka. The author provides an impressive balance of, among other things, in response to the rhetorical question Lavrov's last press conference regarding preparations for war Pinda that "pindostsy why do it?"
Looking at it ... which is now in place this creature Clinton and Kondalizy omega cabinets ... Gosssekretar Pinda. When he carried the fresh stuff, the impression one gets that the text does not match what he really thinks. Of this nonsense, and it looks like a gut-wrenching and listeners, even with the remnants of an independent mind. But as he Pukin - at work, where he does not think it is necessary, to carry out the job description.
idiots, omega cabinets travel to Ukraine sip "a successful choice." Ask voted for Yushchenko - a lot of promises to fulfill, as life has changed. Maybe it will reach exactly where that residents omega cabinets Bulk you idiots throw the grossest lies your alleged "intelligence" with "understanding." omega cabinets
Offering a choice of two evils, do not forget that it's the least - all evil. Yes, Bulk worse. But Putin of not getting good: he is indifferent or prosperity of Russia, or he is not able to strategic management. Doubt? Study the economic statistics: recommend investment omega cabinets structure by sector, the structure of exports / imports, price changes for electricity in comparison with the U.S., the EU and China, the share of imports in various industries, the degree of income inequality, the outflow of capital in offshore accounts. And can you just answer honestly to yourself the question: what will happen to Russia if tomorrow the price of oil falls to $ 30, and there is delayed? For all until
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