Monday, October 28, 2013

Geographical raspostranetost France and various climate impacts in different regions determine the

French cuisine is one of the richest in the world, not just in terms of flavors offered, but also in terms of ingredients you use, and do not forget the organization of meals, which can be very simple (baget with cheese , for example) to complex small kitchen designs meals made even 12 different dishes. Unlike many other national cuisines that have a long history and tradition, French cuisine began to flourish small kitchen designs even in the 15th century, when Princess Mary Florentine Medici married the future French king Henry II, and with it come the French court and a number of famous Florentine cooks. Today, French cuisine is considered one of the best and najelegantni cuisines in the world.
Although the richness of French cuisine is due more to changes than a tradition, however in 2010 it was declared "immeasurably cultural heritage" by UNESCO, along with Mexican cuisine.
Geographical raspostranetost France and various climate impacts in different regions determine the basic ingredients of francukata food in each region, so almost all dishes are virtually local specialties, although some of them have expanded across the country (such as Coq au Vinand and Foie Gras). The basic ingredients of Provencal cuisine, for example, olive oil, tomatoes and spices, while regions small kitchen designs that cross the sea, Bretanija Normandy and use large amounts of fish and fruits unlike terrestrial regions that prefer freshwater fish and so on. The secret of the success of French cuisine actually consists in using high quality, fresh produce and relatively simple way of preparation, peppered with beautiful and elegant decorations.
However there are several ingredients without which practically can in any French kitchen, and these are: butter, mustard, copiers, beets, small kitchen designs zucchini, garlic and onion, various spices including most used are parsley, chive, thyme and laurel leaf, mushrooms, small kitchen designs different types of meat and fish, bread and pastries, fresh fruit, and different kinds of cheese. France was known as the producer of most different cheeses in the world. The cheese is usually served at the end of the meal, as dessert, pastry board and richness of the cheese small kitchen designs in some restaurants is often an indicator of the quality and reputation of the restaurant. Cheeses small kitchen designs are divided into five major groups, including most types of cheeses produced in France include:
White and red moldy cheese - brie de meaux, camembert, livarot small kitchen designs and munsterzh Chevron (Chèvre) - cabécou, pouligny saint-pierre, crottin de chavignol Blue cheeses - Roquefort, fourme d'ambert Hard cheeses and cheese - gruyere , beaufort Medium-hard cheese - saint-nectaire, morbier, cantal
Haute cuisine is a style that is derived from classical French cuisine in France also known as cuisine bourgeoise. Food prepared with this way of cooking is extremely sophisticated, elegant, with lots of detail and rich. Dishes are usually small kitchen designs difficult, especially due to the use of large quantities of sauces such as espagnole, velouté, and béchamel, but because the meals consist of many dishes. Particular attention is paid to the presentation of food or vegetables, for example, cut with laser precision and so on.
Cuisine Nouvelle. This style was developed in the 70s of last century, in reaction and opposition to klasichnit style of cooking. Food cooked in this way is simpler and easier. The portions are smaller and less rich, creamy sauces and strong especially avoided. Cooking is faster, with a greater focus on local and fresh ingredients. small kitchen designs
Breakfast - Le petit déjeuner. This is typically small and easy meal. In most cases consists of something sweet like pastry with chocolate small kitchen designs pastry with raisins and jam, usually toasted bread smeared with jam, French small kitchen designs croissant (which, incidentally, was invented in Vienna) or baget slice with butter and jam. A common drink is freshly squeezed orange juice or coffee.
Lunch - Le déjeuner. small kitchen designs Lunch standards small kitchen designs in France is between 12 o'clock noon and 2 pm. Although before this break many French have used to eat at home lately small kitchen designs tradition is changing, and lunch break are often lasts only one hour instead of two. Therefore, the custom to eat at home more is lost, although some still apply, and lunch on weekdays usually consists of a sandwich or Kish, purchased in one of the many street stalls or prodavnichnichki for pastry (patisserie) and maybe a piece cake or cookies for dessert.
Dinner - Le diner. Since lunch is usually easy and quick to eat, dinner is often the main meal of the day and eat at home. Usually consisting of three dishes: hors d'œuvre or entrée (appetizer enabled like soup or fresh salad), plat principal (main course which

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