Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Last February, SosTariffe.it has published a study on the status of the deployment of optical fiber

Fiber Optics in Italy: architecture, coverage, Regulatory 'SosTariffe.it
Let's look at a technical definition of fiber optic network architectures and FTTCab FTTH and certified services, in Italy and how to verify the coverage and the possibility of using a high-speed Internet service. It will also set out the rules for the laying of the optical fiber and the VIRGO project.
The optical fiber is a thin thread of a transparent material used to carry optical signals, built with special types of glass and plastic, designed so that a light beam introduced into one end is reflected on the inner surface as it travels the length of the same wire.
The method merillat for the transmission of light rays along the optical fibers is called optical fibers. A light beam, such as that produced by a laser, can be modulated to carry information.
Because the light, in the electromagnetic spectrum, has a higher frequency than other types of radiation, merillat such as, for example, radio waves, a single channel fiber can carry significantly more information than most of the other means of transmission.
FTTCab stands for Fibre to the Cabinet. It is an architecture for next-generation network which leads to the so-called fiber to the cabinet, ie the 'street cabinet, that is, on average, merillat 500 meters from the houses. The connection from the cabinet to the buildings and the customer is instead made by copper wire.
FTTH stands for Fiber to the Home. It is an architecture for next-generation merillat network that brings fiber optics, commercial, condos and homes through fiber-optic cables, made up of all the buildings.
Compared to solutions ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) conveyed through traditional copper cables (twisted pair), the distributed optical fiber allow you to benefit from a 'user experience optimum playback of high definition video, online multiplayer gaming sessions , multimedia content made available simultaneously on smartphones, tablets and smart TV, packaged professional services for businesses.
The optical fiber also enables applications such as telepresence, video surveillance, the cloud computing services and those for the construction of the model of Smart City, such as security and land monitoring, info-mobility and sensor networks for remote sensing of the environment.
Last February, SosTariffe.it has published a study on the status of the deployment of optical fiber in Italy, merillat including the FTTCab and FTTH solutions, and the cost of the offerings of the major market participants.
Compared to the above table, drawn up on the basis of available information as at 28 February 2014 were recorded in today further progress in the spread of infrastructure for the provision of services merillat in ultra-wideband transmitted over optical fiber. Fiber Optic Telecom merillat Italy, the coverage
With reference to Telecom Italy, the new city reached by the ultra-broadband fiber-optic services are, in chronological order, the following: La Spezia, Savona, Novara, Alessandria, Busto Arsizio, merillat Cinisello Balsamo, Cremona, Cagliari, San Lazzaro, Sassari , Parma, Piacenza, Rimini, Modena, Salerno, Fano, Legnano, Pavia, Vigevano, Ravenna, Carpi, Massa, Barletta, Pistoia, Grosseto, Carrara, Viareggio, Andra, Lecce, merillat Cosenza, Gela, Agrigento, Marsala, Ragusa, Viterbo , Fiumicino, Guidonia Montecelio, Power, Cremona, Tower of Greek, Bolzano, Reggio Calabria, Pesaro.
With reference to Fastweb are to report the agreements signed with the Municipality of Bologna (March 11, 2014) and with the city of Catania (May 6, 2014) for the completion of the fiber optic network, and that narrow the Abruzzo Region (24 March 2014) last year for the expansion, operation and maintenance of fiber optic ring owned by the Region. It should be added the town of Busto Arsizio, Modena, Legnano, merillat Naples and Catania.
SosTariffe.it offers the chance to see if your city is reached by the optical fiber. To do this, simply use the comparison service access, select the item in the field FIBER Technology, enter your City in the form that will be shown on the screen above the market offerings. These can be displayed according to the following criteria: first year cost promotion costs off promotion evaluations operator throughput Appendix regulation for the laying of fiber optic
By the decree of the Ministry of Economic Development on October 1, 2013, entitled "Technical specifications of the operations of excavation and restoration for the installation of digital infrastructure merillat in road infrastructure," the 'Italy has enacted measures sem

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