Thursday, July 3, 2014

The challenge, thanks to a legislative text large mesh, will be to create, through the statute (sta

With the 'effective establishment of the metro cities, large cities become places essential to improve the quality of life of the community, often with an image that has an impact well beyond the regions.
For a long time it highlights the importance grey bedroom ideas of the metropolitan city which weave between grey bedroom ideas the identity of the natural communities and inclusive processes of globalization. Place of exploitation of the potential of the territories and natural vocations, places of conflict and Innovations, spaces of solidarity and of "living grey bedroom ideas together" for the populations are increasingly diverse social, cultural, ethnic.
The basic idea contained in ln 56 of 2014, which in Italy has finally given implementation and effectiveness of the constitutional grey bedroom ideas provision in art. 114 of the Constitution by configuring the metropolitan city as an entity of the second level, or structure made up of elected municipal (municipal councilors and mayors) would seem to strengthen the functional profile of the institution: an institution effective, very present in the determination and implementation of public policies but at the same time, "light". An institution in which, with the intention of the legislature, would seem to prevail, rather grey bedroom ideas than the political dimension, normally a direct grey bedroom ideas result of the investiture of the organs, the size of the administrative-managerial willingness to go into the facts and try to solve them. Spirit, which among other things can be found in the extraordinary Giolitti reform of 1903, based on the separation between politics and administration, which has stood for nearly a century, the system of local public services in our country. The birth of a metropolitan grey bedroom ideas city will highlight historical fact: that the regions have been an invention from the laboratory, the result of geo-political processes, from their inception distinct and distant territories and communities.
The presence of strong intermediate entities, such as metropolitan grey bedroom ideas cities, may require grey bedroom ideas a rethinking of the role of the regions and in the broadest sense of the shape of the state. You could essentially configure a regionalism two speed, depending on the presence or absence of the metropolitan cities in the regions.
The opportunity is to move from a model hyper-structured, what of the regions, and is no longer sustainable from a financial standpoint, a functional model of the metropolitan cities and lightweight, able to log in directly to European resources grey bedroom ideas and manage metropolitan territories (ATM) local public services grey bedroom ideas to a wide area through urban management bodies (EGM).
The challenge, thanks to a legislative text large mesh, will be to create, through the statute (statutory autonomy), an inverted pyramid, which face pin on the town the provincial capital, but at the same time, be able to highlighting the features of the individual municipalities and territories.
An institution in which conference subway and metropolitan council will have to perform two main functions: to represent the territories, with the involvement of the community (Metro Conference), and balance the power of the mayor of the metropolitan city, even with the inclusion of a kind of fiduciary relationship (Metropolitan Council). On the latter point, although not foreseen in the law, the junta, the statutes may provide that the mayor of the metropolitan grey bedroom ideas city may, in accordance with the principle grey bedroom ideas of collegiality, creating a sort of Major's Cabinet, appointed after consultation with the Metro Conference, in addition to the deputy mayor, councilors-selected delegates to the board. In this case, the Statute, through the establishment of the Major's Cabinet could encourage the involvement of representatives of the widespread territories, connecting them to the council and the mayor, through a fiduciary relationship between the latter two bodies to be defined in the forms of satisfaction (a sort of rationalized parliamentarism). In essence, the statute could not provide a true fiduciary relationship, but rules that facilitate representations of territories, moments of connection between organs, but especially rules that avoid the phenomenon of so-called lame duck, or the lame duck generating systems tend monocratic duality between organs, with real risks of political and institutional impasse. The statute grey bedroom ideas may also be possible to incorporate rules that reduce the concentration of powers in the hands of the mayor, strengthening the role of the board and of the conference, through empowerment of the proposal, advisory and control (checks and balances).
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