Sunday, July 20, 2014

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In 2013 considerable resources invested in education to improve the material and technical base. Purchased office equipment (furniture and home appliances) for LVL 45 930 furniture over the toilet storage - LVL 11 535th Training for the maintenance and running repairs purchased repair over the toilet storage materials, electric materials, household over the toilet storage items at LVL 51 237, learning and teaching literature and used for the purchase of U.S. $ 39,208 from State budget 34 320th Class modernization of equipment purchased and teaching materials (intellectual property - software, hardware, electronic cinema and photographic equipment, sound system, projector management system, musical instruments, slates, players) - 81,515, a grand piano for the house of Creativity 78,936, copiers - LVL 1 343, 4681 for the purchase of blinds classes, located over the toilet storage on the sunny side. Pre-school education over the toilet storage institutions bought kitchen utensils (dishes, cutlery) - 3 274, soft equipment (bed linen) - LVL 6 818th preschool education institutions over the toilet storage bought over the toilet storage washing machines and dryers LVL 4 047 bedrooms equipped with blinds - LVL 1 356 purchased lawn mowers - 673rd school choirs bought over the toilet storage costumes Song Festival 2 754th Additions 2 the screens - LVL 6 482nd rural youth guards 100 sets of uniforms - 8022nd Sports School pupils over the toilet storage - sports clothing sets 140 - LVL 6 766th Donation Ventspils Music School - musical instruments 4999th Schools and pre-schools CO2 equipment 1792nd over the toilet storage Additions over the toilet storage minibus for 28 072nd
In 2013 the municipal funds schools met repairs more than 800 thousand lats. Ventspils finished fifth high school HOB internal over the toilet storage network reconstruction. Conducted pre-school "Christmas over the toilet storage tree", "The over the toilet storage Tale", "asterisk" improvement areas, sports facilities built from soft pavement over the toilet storage PII "Daisy", over the toilet storage "Gnome", "Rainbow", "Vāverīte", "Titmouse", made technical patterns for the construction and information and communication technology infrastructure of a Ventspils municipality schools. Space group continued repairs preschools "Christmas tree", over the toilet storage "Daisy", "The Tale", "Gnome", "The sun", "Rainbow", "Vāverīte" and "asterisk", classrooms and first class repairs first elementary school over the toilet storage , Central Primary School, Evening, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth secondary schools. over the toilet storage Conducted second primary kitchen over the toilet storage ventilation system reconstruction and repair of the premises, the fourth high school gym floor sanding and varnishing and auxiliary repair, home economics and boys tech surgery to repair the sixth high school, high school library repair the evening, the entrance and stairwell repair pre-school "Daisy", reconstruction of electric lighting first layer of PEI "The sun", roof repairs evening and sixth high school, the main entrance area of the step change of the fourth and sixth high school and second elementary school.
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