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One of the main arguments of the JSF lobby, besides that it would be a choice for JSF will bring. Lots economic prosperity fantastic plane For the latter claim is reasonable doubt.
It is a farce. It costs billions and it came to nothing. Not even security. It is a prestige project of a bunch of upstart idiots, who somehow a bunch of ignorant subbus kitchen politicians have managed to convince you that it is the solution of the century. Bah, I vomit them.
a benefit we can keep the F16s in the air as they have the JSF "support" subbus kitchen I believe it should not be crazier just a "smart" way to deal with a dead sparrow Netherlands very much poorer
The billions that it costs even with the 'quality' while intervention is totally subbus kitchen out of proportion to the economic benefit subbus kitchen that it brings us. If we would opt for a cheaper alternative would be the money that remained much more economic gains can be achieved. A child can do the laundry. subbus kitchen
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The JSFlobby wants to see money and NL is the only nation that we can still draw. Money from the stock market subbus kitchen And our Hennisje is stupid enough and feels grand enough to spend. Billions that useless toy
1 @ kudu I totally agree with you !!! We have Yugo Slavie co freed us thanks in WW 2 with Marshal Tito bombing and therewith under the guise of democracy throughout the country tearing !!!!!!
Yes of course, subbus kitchen if you're all the information is kept secret and all leaked fabrications goes add, then you end up with [potver3] 480 upgraded nuclear bombs in Europe, of which about 20 units on Volkel down and 20 pieces at Kleine Brogel. And the F-16 and JSF are pretty much any aircraft it Atomic bombs can drop the desired goals. Maybe they should one test, to make sure that they do indeed work, if they even needed? A small nuclear disaster is seemingly need that crap to send to the creators of these destroyers of mankind, the USA. Finally back So all this nonsense about the best and most expensive luxury flying war weapon is indeed just a dished subbus kitchen fairy tale, for children and Dutch politicians who just go kicking down again :)
It pushed us through that VVD and PvdA back down their throats. Everyone has to cut back and many important and fun things is no more money. Are elderly throughout the day in a dirty diaper in bed, school swimming is lifted, world famous orchestras are lifted to nature becomes even more questioned, animal welfare is again less money available, etc.. Etc.. But soon we have nice 4, 5 billion warplanes. And it will probably still be much more expensive.
It's like it always is in the Netherlands. Netherlands has a long history of failed projects in the public hands full with money costs. Corrupt and profiteering is going on. Create a free place but fixed for the next parliamentary inquiry ..... but hey that's another row in which many people turn to earn big money and so we go from one parliamentary subbus kitchen inquiry into the other and remains in lake same. .
Even if the tale of employment have been true; there is not enough technically subbus kitchen trained subbus kitchen to find in the Netherlands to fill them. alleged labor staff
Ergo Conclusio: - The plane itself is not good (not climb, do not fly, cornering, software ongetets, bugs, etc) Compare with further developed versions subbus kitchen of Su-27 or MiG-29 or Pak Fa (see jijbuis) - The economic omkopng is exactly subbus kitchen that - the alleged nuke job we do not want - The USA are a mess, we should not even make their own choices now?
X NowNot
23 October subbus kitchen 11, 2013 09:40 by Des Hydraulics
Thank Iepr. This is a deal from the era Balkenende. Those 20 (recently replaced) nuclear bombs at Volkel from the Yanks, but have flown in war by the enemy and NL to be dropped. Why you need. Stronger unit The current government can not go away just different chord. This agreement is a result of NL-participation in NATO.
The JSF is like a flying machine kitchen, in an ordinary subbus kitchen kitchen, it is perfect, you need only one device (space saving). In a restaurant, subbus kitchen it is an absurdity to be. Always converted to another function Tasty useful for a pilot who may be reading. These extra functions on his instrument panel off
In brief: The morons in london ma
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