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But no redundancy, so the direct assistance, like all non-civil servants.
only resignation does not work that flight, and the money should go back so how do we handle phimaz365 this? it is public money. that would be nice, lose a bunch of money and then say sorry and leave, it should not be crazier
oops Kind of Vestia in the small network Rotterdam Because the city of Rotterdam has outstanding 650 million of coverage for Vestia. Do you know how much this is. This town I bust ... what you say YES BANKRUPT like Apeldoorn. Quite simply phimaz365 .... speculation objects phimaz365 using money from the government. And now, yeah sorry ... You know this is tens of billions. Just gone. Foetsie ... The Hague revenue presumptions .... well we are so poor here though. Penniless ..
sorrie we have mistakes we made steps ie we run away and you do not get your money back they have these rats pluck until they have all the community money back, now that kljo's sttrijken thousand euros redundancy on top huh tgeld that they have already stolen
by tolerating these criminals have a minimum of 2 million Dutch a poor meager existence phimaz365 that can not pick out the rack opstelten warom does it take so long for you to pick them up, the judiciary or so .....
Yes then you just step. Maybe a fee after it and what can happen. Should you do when your boss you're out, correctly, and you're not receiving benefits, rightly. But zg drivers is that it is different.
Still beautiful that dualism. These control task of the council throws really paying off. Now practice you do as a council or nothing to know. If you only know the popie jopie to hang out and get enough votes, you councilor. If you have no tail understanding of accounting, it will not even require you to follow an additional course, but like you say in the municipal budget. If that board is elected from that council elects the aldermen. Say the managers. phimaz365 Which are therefore adopted by the council and can also send them away again if needed. And then something strange happens. The board can be be fooled by those managers. And rebuking them, instead of prevailing party discipline and scissors councilors behind their manager. How wrong it is. The college is therefore always supported by all councilors representing the coalition. Until it really did not go like this, and then leave the judges, but the municipality phimaz365 and therefore the citizen remains stuck with the financial hangover. But redundancy course.
Very nice, but not really that political appointments; then you are not in that position to what you can but from what political party you are. Say you're a surgeon because you are from the Labour Party. Are they those awful prefer phimaz365 repay? But beware; There are many political appointments. Also, for example, the boards of Educational Institutions. College in Holland we know all now. All guests who squander our tax dollars.
@ 1 non-officials phimaz365 go after resignation nor the direct assistance. It's hard to say in this case that they have taken voluntary redundancy. @ 11 they have no money in their pockets but his stupid deal with public phimaz365 money and the city council have not informed properly.
And residents in Apeldoorn continue holding the baby back. In editorial piece about mr. Metz in the Stentor read that he can see a large redundancy phimaz365 scheme needs and longer than the maximum length of a normal distribution. Should we agree "voluntarily" resign: get an immediate sanction phimaz365 to the pants. phimaz365 Wondering if after a year of unemployment, he gets a message that everything is suitable work. Maybe cleaning the Apenheul? that's after a year also appropriate. But that will not be. Also applies to his colleagues.
Uuuhhh ... SORRY inhabitants of Apeldoorn !!! We, the quartet executive of Apeldoorn, leave ... that you may lose 200 million citizens of Apeldoorn coughing for you, citizens may pay all eventually !!!!!!
Apeldoorn ....... trying to make a city. Policymakers because of a large village All those prestige projects and infrastructure problems costs are also loads of money. I have people in the plush always very .... Ehm..optimistisch found on many issues. Curator on it and then the abuses it to light.
Land Companies are by definition a loss. Dar hear and hefty provision to take to catch. Operating An example; You want to close a street whore to new homes
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