Caution! Now also in de Volkskrant and De Volkskrant Opinion Site. Three appointed by the Minister of Interior scientists retro kitchen call the PVV a danger to state security. Legitimate and democratic opposition to the government is labeled as subversive. These are the methods by which countries like Belarus opposition silenced is created. Hopefully realizes Minister Guusje ter Horst she goes with this study on a very slippery slope.
Geert Wilders enter the debate about Islam and integration sharply. His proposal to ban the Koran, I find illiberal. His plan to turn criminals with a Dutch passport seem like unattainable and reprehensible. Particularly denigrating his idea about the introduction of a 'kopvoddentax.
With his performance, he will not find allies among the many well-intentioned foreigners. The small, already cornered group of progressive Muslims will not feel themselves addressed by Wilders and his PVV.
In the House and elsewhere is rightly an ongoing debate about Wilders and his ideas. This is often not with facts and arguments. Unfortunately it happens As happened earlier with Pim Fortuyn, Wilders is constantly retro kitchen demonized by false comparisons with World War II. One of the latest examples is the recent New Bottles Station in 'sane Netherlands' immensely retro kitchen popular writer Geert Mak.
The rise of the PVV has everything to do with the ongoing concerns of numerous Dutch about the actions of political Islam at home and abroad. By ignoring retro kitchen these issues, the political establishment first Pim Fortuyn and Geert Wilders then made just great.
Wilders is associated among others by Geert Mak, Fatima Elatik (PvdA) and Alexander Pechtold (D66) with Hitler and / or Nazism. If the PVV leader retro kitchen would become prime minister, anything is possible, says Mak.
But Wilders then plan to throw? Dutch democracy overthrew In his manifesto says nothing about. In his political action there exists retro kitchen no indication. There draw any armed and uniformed Wilders militias through the streets. retro kitchen
Is the PVV perhaps underground working to subvert our polity However, there no indication. Besides retro kitchen this we have the General retro kitchen Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD), successor to the BVD. This intelligence previously held the CPN and the communist trade union EVC eye. These days, the slot hats concerned with possible terrorism by extremist Muslims. Furthermore, retro kitchen keeping retro kitchen them in the poll what is going on in various extremist environments, such as animal activism, the squatters' movement, retro kitchen Trotskyism, Salafism and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Is there evidence retro kitchen that Wilders and his party did not carry through the democratic opposition and instead society undermine example commit arson, property destruction or threaten people. There is nothing known about it. We only know that Wilders himself retro kitchen is seriously threatened, for five years, and that the Dutch government has the necessary continuous monitoring of each step informed. Subversive actions can be no question.
Nevertheless propose three scientists - if I have to rely on the coverage of the Volkskrant - the Freedom Party (nine seats in parliament and largest party in some polls) a far-right party that Islamophobia and hatred against the government mobilizes system. Thus it undermines social cohesion and democracy in the country. Ergo: Wilders is a danger to state security.
When it came to the thesis of three self-proclaimed scientists, we were able to shrug our shoulders here. At our universities more strange birds walking around. The three scholars working on behalf of Minister Guusje ter Horst (PvdA) of the Interior. They need to do an investigation into radicalization. In other words, the policy for the AIVD responsible minister woman poses three scientists to do the work of the AIVD.
One of those scientists is Jaap van Donselaar, cultural anthropologist at Leiden. He is regarded retro kitchen as the great expert on right-wing extremism. He works funded by the Interior participated in the Racism retro kitchen and Extremism Monitor.
In the absence of real National Socialists Van Donselaar devised their own criteria to indicate. A lot as far right A party is in that corner as she emphasizes retro kitchen the uniqueness, hard wants action against crime and immigration to curtail. According to this method in 2009, almost all political parties in the Netherlands retro kitchen far-right. Partly for this reason, the method of Donselaar a form of politically oriented pseudo-science. Leiden researcher slaps the label extreme because only d
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